The 4th Annual Kids Rule Now! KIDposium - Its a STEM Takeover!
2019 KIDposium Theme - "Its a STEM Takeover!"KIDposium™ is a word created exclusively for Kids Rule Now! Inc. to use to describe our annual children's conference. Our KID-friendly, KID-focused, and KID-driven, event is specially designed for kids 2nd - 6th grade. We call it "The ORIGINAL conference for kids!" Its a full-day conference experience to inspire and encourage kids to not only dream, but give them the motivation to go after their dreams.
Our Keynote Speaker Session is led by a young entrepreneur who has his or her own successful business. Its exciting for kids to see an example of another youth that has dared to DREAM BIG and go after that DREAM. Our Conference is "2 Conferences in 1." Parents or adults who bring their children attend separate Break-Out Sessions. And we feature an Exhibit Hall that features kid-owned business! Here's what the "STEM Takeover" looked like at
4th Annual KIDposiumSaturday, October 19, 2019 marked the 4th Annual Kids Rule Now! KIDposium, sponsored by Duperon Education, NOBCChE and Garber Management. We returned to SVSU, and provided a STEM focused event fpr kids 2nd -6th Grade. We were in Curtiss Hall for STEM Sessions led by NOBCChE, SVSU Mathematics and Science Center, SVSU Mobile Research Laboratory, and the SVSU Chemistry Club.
Children 2nd -6th grade, and their Parents enjoyed a General Session, separate AM and PM Breakout Sessions, Lunch in the SVSU Marketplace, and a closing Keynote address by Kamryn Chasnis of Kamryn's Creations! The KIDpreneur Exhibit Hall returned with lots of new Kid Entrepreneurs ages 5 and up! These young Entrepreneurs had a wide selection of products and services for purchase on the spot! Our 2019 PLATINUM SPONSORS |